Feudi di San Gregorio, Campania, Italy

Campania, Italy


Based in Irpinia in Campania, Italy, Feudi di San Gregorio is a leader in the Italian movement to protect, preserve and make wines from old vines. Led by Antonio Capaldo this family winery has been making and bottling old vine wines consistently since 1986 and they were one of the first wineries in Italy to do so. They are custodians of many pre-phylloxera vineyards, some over 150 years old and in continuous use.

Antonio has come to see old vine heritage as critical for Feudi di San Gregorio, and for premium Italian wine. He acknowledges that, currently, the old vine heritage of Italy is under-appreciated, despite many individual Italian producers working with great old vineyards and at our 3rd Old Vine Conference he pledged his intention to establish an old vine category in Italy.

Before returning to his family's home region, Antonio worked around the world in global finance and strategy and his former career is evident in his approach to running the winery. Consumer research and a series of ‘Feudi studies’ are just some of the initiatives he has invested in and all feed into his unwavering belief in the opportunities, and the reality of the challenges, to build an old vine category that is meaningful for consumers.



Villa Bogdano, Veneto, Italy


Alchemy Wines, UK based Importer