The Conference Archives

  • Hosts Sarah Abbott MW, Tim Atkin MW and Dr. Jamie Goode talked with each guest, exploring why they have been inspired to protect and promote old vine heritage. Each speaker had a different perspective but together their experience and vision expresses the multi-nuanced and unique value of great old vines.

    Our aim was to arrive at practical steps we can implement together to (ultimately) help establish Old Vine Wine from heritage vineyards as a global wine category.

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  • We continue to shine a light on the passion, quality and depth that old vine heritage brings to every region and country that celebrates it. In this respect, you can highlight any extraordinary producer working with old vineyards in this way. They can be famous or cult or even unheard of - if they’re doing great work, then bring them in.

    A focus for this conference is the value of old vines as genetic arks of diversity, nuance and resilience.

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  • The third edition of The Old Vine Conference explored how the wine industry can work to halt the loss of old vines by taking practical steps to create a new category of heritage vineyard wine.

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  • Join us to hear from an inspiring line-up of old vine pioneers, thought leaders, academics, environmentalists, winemakers, viticulturalists, and commercial & marketing specialists. Come away with invaluable insight on the subject of old vines from around the world and a renewed understanding of why now is the time for old vines and their wines.

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  • Join us to hear from an inspiring line-up of old vine pioneers, thought leaders, academics, environmentalists, winemakers, viticulturalists, and commercial & marketing specialists. Gain invaluable insight on the subject of old vines from around the world and a deeper understanding of how we can learn from the past to build for the future.

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