Viña Don Melchor, Puente Alto, Maipo Valley, Chile


Viña Don Melchor, Puente Alto, Maipo Valley, Chile


Don Melchor Concha y Toro was a political visionary and businessman as well as one of the forefathers of Chilean wine production. In 1883, at the age of 50, he planted the first pre-phylloxera French vines in the Maipo Valley which marked the start of a vinous journey that led to his founding of Viña Concha y Toro.

 Named after his legacy the Don Melchor Vineyard is located in the Puente Alto appellation of the Maipo Valley at the foot of the Andes Mountains, 650 m above sea level, on the northern bank of the Maipo River in Chile. This prized vineyard consists of 125 hectares of vines planted between 1979 and 1992 consisting of 93% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Cabernet Franc, 1% Merlot, and 1% Petit Verdot. The Cabernet Sauvignon in the Don Melchor vineyard originates from massal selection, employing the genetic information of pre-phylloxera vines brought from Bordeaux at the end of the 19th century.

 Viña Don Melchor combines the guardianship and protection of their old vineyards with their desire to improve.  In 1997, winemaker Enrique Tirado divided the Don Melchor vineyard into 7 main parcels and 151 mini-parcels and implemented a working model with agroecology as the backbone. Placing agroecology at the centre of their business has allowed them to promote biodiversity, employ environmentally friendly practices and further their understanding of the unique legacy of their vineyard of centennial heritage.

 In 2018 Viña Don Melchor initiated a unique and pioneering project to further their understanding of the unique expression of the Puente Alto DO. Named the “Sundial Vineyard Project” they planted vines based on radial orientation - exploring the relationship between row orientation, planting density, effects on soil moisture and microclimate at the cluster level - further advancing their commitment to sustainability and biodiversity.            

For more information:


Downsview Vineyard, High Weald, Sussex


Tenute dei Ciclopi, Etna, Sicily