• The Old Vine Hero Awards 2025


    We've received another inspiring haul of nominations for the third Old Vine Hero Awards and our judges have had the agonising task of reaching 5 shortlists from 14 countries!

    Voting is now open! Read the profiles and cast you votes for the Next Generation, Best Viticulture Team, Communication & Education, Research, and Old Vines, New Technology awards.

  • Interview With Julio Rodriguez, New Estate Director Of Bodegas Numanthia

    Bodegas Numanthia is the longest standing Spanish member of the Old Vine Conference, making outstanding, age-worthy wines from some of the country’s oldest ungrafted Tempranillo vines.  Its flagship wine, Termanthia, is made from Tempranillo vines that have an average age of 110 years. Originally from Argentina, Julio has been involved with the Numanthia project since its inception, but only recently took on the role of Estate Director….

    Written By Anna Harris-Noble 

  • IWSC sponsors Old Vine Hero Award for Communication & Education with AMAZING prize for the winner of the category!

    We’re thrilled to announce the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) as proud sponsors of the Old Vine Hero Communication & Education Award 2025!

  • Old Vine Hero Awards 2025

    Nominations for the Old Vine Hero Awards 2025 IS NOW OPEN, including four new award categories!! Now in its third year, the Old Vine Hero Awards unite the global wine community and raise awareness and understanding of the work being done to nurture old vines around the world.

  • The Old Vine Conference 2025, Meeting of the Minds

    Our annual Conference will be taking place in Northern California on the 31st October - 4th November  bringing together old vine pioneers, thought-leaders, media, buyers and KOL from around the world and will be the most significant event yet, in the journey of the global old vine movement.

  • Vinchio Vaglio: Pioneering Sustainability and Excellence in Italian Winemaking

    In June 2023 Vinchio Vaglio became officially recognised as a Sustainable Winery when they received their Equalitas certification. For the second consecutive year they share a summary of their Sustainability Report to inspire and encourage others to do the same. 

  • Milestone OIV Resolution Recognises Old Vines

    The 22nd OIV General Assembly of the International Organisation of Vine & Wine (OIV) has adopted the Resolution OIV-VITI 703-2024 “OIV definition and recommendations about old grapevines and old vineyards in the vitivinicultural sector”, by recognising the works of international initiatives including The Old Vine ConferenceThe Old Vine Project, The Old Vine Registry and the Censimento Vecchie Vigne.  

  • The Old Vine Conference 2024

    The 6th Edition - 17th-18th October

    Join us to hear from an inspiring line-up of old vine pioneers, thought leaders, academics, environmentalists, winemakers, viticulturalists, and commercial & marketing specialists. Gain invaluable insight on the subject of old vines from around the world and a deeper understanding of the role that old vines play in the wine industry's adaptation to climate change & sustainability.

    The conference will take place live, on-line, across two days at different times of the day. We hope this will enable as many time-zones as possible to join us live.

  • First ‘all of Italy’ Old Vine Conference takes place in Tuscany

    In Tuscany, on the 8th and 9th October our winery members from across Italy gathered at Tenuta Sette Ponti for the inaugural ‘All of Italy’ Old Vine Conference.  The first meeting of its kind united 22 Italian wineries from across the country in their shared mission to preserve, protect and promote the viticultural heritage of Italy and the fine wines they produce.    

  • The Old Vine Registry

    Help us to create the most comprehensive database of the world's living historic vineyard sites. We seek to create the most authoritative record of old vineyards in the hope that through greater awareness and attention these vineyards and the wines they produce will survive and thrive.

Latest News

  • Meet Our New Regional Ambassador

    Simon Hardy, Switzerland

    Simon Hardy is a British / Swiss dual national based in London where he champions the wines of Switzerland and organises Swiss Wine Week London for Swiss Wine Promotion. He is the founder of Fitting Wines, a wine consultancy based originally in Switzerland, and co-founder of Alpina Vina. 

  • Our Latest Member

    La Maliosa, Italy

    In the rolling hills of Tuscany’s Maremma region, where ancient landscapes meet modern sustainability, Fattoria La Maliosa has crafted a unique viticultural philosophy rooted in history, tradition, and deep respect for the land. Their approach to winemaking is not just about producing exceptional wines; it’s about honouring the story of the land, the vines, and the people who have nurtured them for centuries.

  • The Old Vine Conference Podcast

    Episode 6: Benanti’s Etna: old vines, new perspectives

    The Benanti family has been instrumental in Etna's viticulture throughout history, beginning in 1890 with a domestic consumption type of wine, their very first wine production on the volcano. The brothers have been the custodians of the company since 2012. In 2007, Benanti was named Italian Winery of the Year by Gambero Rosso and has subsequently become the most award winning winery on Mount Etna.

Upcoming Events

An engaging and ambitious annual campaign designed to raise the profile of old vines globally, supporting the commercial efforts of old vine wine producers, marketers, communicators, importers and distributors.

The Conference Archives

  • Hosts Sarah Abbott MW, Tim Atkin MW and Dr. Jamie Goode talked with each guest, exploring why they have been inspired to protect and promote old vine heritage. Each speaker had a different perspective but together their experience and vision expresses the multi-nuanced and unique value of great old vines.

    Our aim was to arrive at practical steps we can implement together to (ultimately) help establish Old Vine Wine from heritage vineyards as a global wine category.

    View The Program →

  • We continue to shine a light on the passion, quality and depth that old vine heritage brings to every region and country that celebrates it. In this respect, you can highlight any extraordinary producer working with old vineyards in this way. They can be famous or cult or even unheard of - if they’re doing great work, then bring them in.

    A focus for this conference is the value of old vines as genetic arks of diversity, nuance and resilience.

    View the Program →

  • The third edition of The Old Vine Conference explored how the wine industry can work to halt the loss of old vines by taking practical steps to create a new category of heritage vineyard wine.

    View the Program →

  • Join us to hear from an inspiring line-up of old vine pioneers, thought leaders, academics, environmentalists, winemakers, viticulturalists, and commercial & marketing specialists. Come away with invaluable insight on the subject of old vines from around the world and a renewed understanding of why now is the time for old vines and their wines.

    View the Program →

  • Join us to hear from an inspiring line-up of old vine pioneers, thought leaders, academics, environmentalists, winemakers, viticulturalists, and commercial & marketing specialists. Gain invaluable insight on the subject of old vines from around the world and a deeper understanding of how we can learn from the past to build for the future.

    View the Program →

  • Join us to hear from an inspiring line-up of old vine pioneers, thought leaders, academics, environmentalists, winemakers, viticulturalists, and commercial & marketing specialists. Gain invaluable insight on the subject of old vines from around the world and a deeper understanding of the role that old vines play in the wine industry's adaptation to climate change & sustainability.

    View the Program
