Michele Shah
Michèle Shah
Michèle Shah has championed and promoted Italian wines for more than 30 years. A noted marketer, writer, communicator and judge, she works with producers across Italy. She is passionate about bringing the quality and diversity of authentic Italian wine to an international audience: her “Speedtasting®” b2b tastings have helped hundreds of producers find new export markets. Her clients include the Consorzi of both famous and emerging Italian wine denominations. A great lover of Italian gastronomy and heritage, Michele also organises wine tours for businesses and enthusiasts. These allow her to share her infectious love for Italian culture, deep wine knowledge, and connections with many inspiring figures in Italian wine.
Contact Michele:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mich%C3%A8le-shah-b835aa33/
Email: micheleshah@gmail.com
View Michel’s articles and projects: http://micheleshah.com/
On The Blog
Bentu Luna by Michèle Shah
"The vineyards are the fruit of a centuries-old culture that has remained almost unchanged…”